For some reason Brian and I decided to go on a three day juice cleanse. There are a few reasons this decision. First off we have heard of all the benefits that a juice cleanse can give you and how good you feel afterwards. We wanted a kick start to a healthy lifestyle of eating. I often will have pain in my stomach in random spots sometimes by my liver, kidney (or at least this is what Google is telling me it is by), sharp pain in my back or just in my lower stomach. My doctor thinks that it’s food related so this will give me an idea if it is or not. And then of course like any food related diet I wouldn’t be sad if I lost a few lbs. I think Brian is just along for the ride. I am going to share my experience for the next three days for anyone that is interest in trying it.
Day one
Weight 115 pounds – We don’t keep a scale at our house so I weighed in at the gym yesterday and I will weigh in at the end of the cleanse.
Woke up and was already feeling hungry. I’m not sure if it’s more in my head knowing I can’t have real food. But I am also excited and anxious to start. Also I have heard mostly good thing about the taste except for the beets in one of them. Thankfully we don’t start with that one. Right now I am waiting for Brian to wake up so that we can start it together before I go to work.
The first one is the Detox green. It has wild arugula, watercress, celery, dandelion, ginger, cucumber, lemon and apple. I just ended up taking it and drinking it on my way to work at 8:45 as Brian was not up yet. It was actually not bad tasting at all. Although it was not very filling either as I am still hungry. Brian called me about an hour after I finished mine and told me that it was not bad but not good and that he is hungry. Neither one of us could figure out what veggie or fruit was the most overpowering in this drink which leads me to believe it must be the wild arugula as we have never had that before.
The next one is Pineapple mint. It has pineapple, mint and apple. It’s 11:15, so I made it 2 ½ hours. I am not as hungry as I thought I would be. It is recommended to drink one every 2-3 hours. So I am right on track. This one is super yummy, I could drink this one just for fun. It of course tastes like pineapple with a hint of mint. Surprisingly I don’t feel very hungry after finishing this drink. Brian says his stomach feels weird. He says he doesn’t think it is hunger but is not sure. I do feel like I am peeing a lot more than usually but I am also drinking a lot of water.
The third juice is the Sweet greens. It has green kale, spinach, Swiss chard, romaine celery,cucumber, ginger, lemon and apple. Brian started to drink this one before I did and I got a picture from him with a text saying boo. So I am thinking he doesn’t like it. It’s 1:30 and I am about to open mine. Boo is a good explanation. It is not horrible but it does taste like dirt and cucumbers with a hint of apple. I do get what Brian meant about his stomach feeling weird. I am not hungry per say but my stomach is growling and bubbling. I don’t think it knows what is going on.
The fourth one is the Spicy lemonade. It has purified water, lemons, organic agave nectar and cayenne pepper. It’s 4:00 and now that I’m home I have someone to drink with. I like this one it tastes a lot like lemonade. Brian says it’s not horrible. However I am pretty hungry at this point. Although I kind of thinking a lot of it is just in my head. We got invited to a BBQ tomorrow night that we had to kindly turn down. I think staying away from food will be the only way we make it to the end. It took us about 30 – 40 minutes to finish this one. Half way through Brian chugged it down saying he didn’t like it. I thought it tasted good but when I finished it make my stomach upset. I think it was too sweet.
Next is the dreaded Root veggies which contains carrot, apple, beet and ginger. This one is probably my least favorite so far. It tastes like sweet dirt which is not very tasty. In this juice cleanse it does say you are allowed one raw veggie a day with salt. I’ve opted out of eating for now but Brian had a cucumber with salt. I’m not super hungry even though alls I can think about is food. After Brian ate a few cucumber slices he said it made him feel sick.
The last one is Coconut fusion. Which is organic thai coconut water and flesh. This one is really good and as you can imagine it taste like coconut. This is my second favorite right after the pineapple one. It’s a good way to end the night. I’m actually never very hungry. Brian loves this one too but feels that it is making him hungrier. My stomach is still growling and bubbly and not sure what to think.
Day 2
Woke up and did not feel hungry until about 8:00. We drank our detox greens around 8:30 after finishing I feel more hungry after drinking. Brian is not allowing anyone to talk about food. My favorite is up next the pineapple mint. At 11:00 I was starving so I went and got our next drinks. Thankfully both Brian and I are home today to do it together. We are just trying to stay busy working in the basement as to not think about food. Besides being hungry I actually feel really good. I haven’t seemed to have any stomach pain. And I surprisingly feel like I still have lots of energy. Now is the sweet greens. It’s 1:00 and we’ve been watching the clock for this one. Even though it’s not one of our favorite. Spicy lemonade is up next. I really like this one. And I am starving at this point. It’s only been two hours and I’m trying to hold out for another 30 minutes. Again this one upset my stomach. We continued with the rest. I felt good most of the day. I got a little headache around 5:00 and Brian said that he had a headache most of the day. Brian also said that he felt that he was in a haze most of the day.
Day 3
Brian stopped and decided to just do it for two days. But I’m going to continue through today. I wasn’t super hungry when I woke up but it was harder as Brian was eating real food. He tried to eat it while I was getting ready so I didn’t have to see him eating. I tried to stay busy most the day. We had a football game to go to around noon so that took my mind off of food for a bit. I brought my sweet green juice with me.
I drank the The spicy lemonade around 3:00 and it made my stomach upset again. After the spicy lemonade drink I ended up taking a little nap. I woke up and was starving. I drank my root beet and was still starving. My stomach is still making growling notices and feels bubbly. I only have a few hours left of the day so I was sure I could make it but all’s i can think about it food. I finished up the rest and made it an early night.
The next day I got up around 8:00 and surprisingly was not very hungry. I ended up eating real food around 10:00. I just had yogurt and cottage cheese. Figured I would start off with something light. I went to my sister-in-laws neighbors house to weigh myself and I weighed in at 111.5. YAAA!!!!! However a few days later when I went to the gym I weighed in at 115. So either I gained the weight back that fast or the neighbors scale was off.
Either way I thought it was a good experience. It made me realize how much wanting food is more mental than hunger. I would think about doing it again. If anything I would like to substitute some of these juice drinks into my daily diet.
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